Hosenur Rahaman

Indie developer by day (and night too), currently working on building Limely (A collaborative platform to simplify creating YouTube content). Full Time Computer Science Student. Linux Enthusiast and Photographer by passion


This site you are looking at, a minimalistic neon themes web portfolio with subtle animations, Built with Astro, Cloudflare Workers, Tailwind CSS and Anime.js


Blaze combines my highly opinionated tecg stack fro building products packed into a turborepo, I use this to spin up a new project to bring my ideas to life without rebuilding the wheel everytime


In Progress

Developer first invoicing API, A simple API call to generate beautifully crafted invoices, directly mailed to customers. Skip the 0.4% of invoice amount charged by payment gateways.


Give automatic access to your premium GitHub repositories like Templates, UI Kits, Boilerplates after the user buys them.


In Progress

Limely strealmines YouTube content creation, skip the upload and download loop of videos after each edit from your editor, preview, and publish directly to YouTube from Limely.


for Techimpace

Limely strealmines YouTube content creation, skip the upload and download loop of videos after each edit from your editor, preview, and publish directly to YouTube from Limely.

Limely strealmines YouTube content creation, skip the upload and download loop of videos after each edit from your editor, preview, and publish directly to YouTube from Limely.